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Innovation Project Grant (IVACE)

Automatic generation of Ethereum Smart Contracts from conceptual models.

We are proud to announce that we have been recently awarded a grant for the development project of a tool to automatically generate Smart Contracts for the Ethereum blockchain.

This grant is included within the INNOVA-CV and the INNOVATeiC-CV 2022 programs of the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) of the Generalitat Valenciana and with the co-financing of the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).

Description and Goals

The main goal of this project is to develop a software tool that allows the automatic generation of Smart Contracts, implemented in the Solidity programming language, deployable to the Ethereum blockchain. This tool will follow Integranova's Model-Driven Development philosophy so that it will allow the functional requirements of one or several Smart Contracts to be captured in a conceptual model, validate the requirements specification and automatically transform it into Solidity code that implements that specification via Smart Contracts that can then be compiled and deployed to the Ethereum blockchain.

The main technological challenge is the definition and development of a solution that allows the production of Solidity Smart Contracts for the Ethereum blockchain such that:

  • The functional requirements or business rules to be implemented by the Smart Contracts are defined in a conceptual model.
  • Solidity code is automatically generated from that specification.
  • The possibility of introducing human errors in the construction of Smart Contracts is reduced.
  • Solidity code is ready to be compiled, deployed and executed on the Ethereum blockchain, both on the mainnet and on testnets (eg Goerli, Sepolia, Ganache…).
  • The methods of the Smart Contracts can be consumed or used by any third party software in general and, in particular, by applications generated with other Integranova tools.

Project observable results

The main result of the project will be the creation of the Integranova Smart Contracts Transformation Engine, a new commercial product capable of generating Smart Contracts, in the Solidity programming language, for their execution on the Ethereum blockchain.

The automatic generation of Solidity Smart Contracts based on conceptual models, will enhance the current portfolio of Transformation Engines provided by our Integranova Model Execution System technology, augmenting the range of platforms for which Integranova will offer automated development solutions.

In addition to the Solidity code of the Smart Contracts, the tool will generate the code of a set of REST APIs that will ease the integration of the functionality of Smart Contracts with other software, whether from any third party in general or, in particular, with applications generated by Integranova technology, which already provides the necessary means to automatically specify and generate the integration mechanisms with REST APIs.

fondos Feder